| Today in Palestine! 
03 - Apr - 2006  |
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Night raids in Budrus fail to intimidate villagers - united resistance continues
Occupation Forces have launched a new strategy of control in the Budrus, undertaking night raids into the village and forcing people at gunpoint to fingerprint checks. Soldiers have stormed several houses over the last week undertaking what they call a “statistical survey”, which involves forcibly documenting all of the men in the households.

Separation wall 'drowns' Palestinian
A Palestinian man has drowned in the West Bank after getting entangled in the separation barrier's barbed wire during flash floods, medical officials and witnesses say. According to witnesses, heavy rains followed by flash foods washed away two brothers, Eyad and Raad Taher, in the West Bank village of Bil'in early on Sunday morning.

Jews and Arabs unite to protest Israel's unilateral frontier
Swiss protestor Alexandre, 30, says Israeli politicians use security to make voters fearful as well as as an excuse to grab Palestinian land. "Look at the thousands of security forces deployed for the election. "Olmert means there will be no peace in this land," says demonstrator Yussef Karaja. "I don't know what we can do but we refuse his way. They are killing us without shooting, by lack of food, lack of work, lack of services."

Settler group takes over two compounds in E. Jerusalem
"Our goal is to hold on to outposts in (OCCUPIED) East Jerusalem and create an irreversible situation in the sacred basin around the Old City," said Adi Mintz, a member of Elad's management board. Elad is one of two nonprofit organizations working to purchase houses and (ILLEGALY) settle Jews in Palestinian neighborhoods in East Jerusalem, particularly in the Old City and Silwan.

Fearing sanctions, Arab banks urge PA to close accounts
Arab-owned banks holding Palestinian Authority accounts have begun trying to persuade the PA to withdraw its money, apparently out of fear that the U.S. and Western European countries will impose sanctions against them for holding terrorist funds . ( Terror = Action Against the Power, no matter of justice! )

Eyewitnesses: Palestinian leader Obayat was shot 'execution-style' by Israeli forces
In the Monday morning assassination of resistance leader Raed Obayat by Israeli special forces, eyewitnesses describe a scene of a badly beaten Obayat, and his companion Ra'ed Sulaiman Abu Joura, being dragged down four flights of stairs while crying out "I am injured!  I am injured!", after which Israeli forces shot the two in an 'execution-style' assassination.

Israeli troops kill Palestinian teen near Ramallah
A 13-year-old Palestinian teen was shot dead on Monday evening by Israeli troops near Qalandia refugee camp, west of Ramallah, Palestinian medics and witnessessaid.

Israel accused of hiding facts of UK filmmaker killing
Mrs Miller had traveled to Israel three times since her husband’s death and the family have conducted a private inquiry into what happened. She says that the crime scene wasn’t properly investigated and that the area was bulldozed three days after the killing. She also says that the weapons used weren’t collected for 11 weeks and the barrel of the gun used in the shooting had been swapped.

Seven residents injured, two arrested in Qalqilia
The Israeli army invaded the West Bank city of Qalqilia Monday morning, arresting two Palestinians and injuring seven others.Mohamed Nazal (23) and Mohamed Al Jabadi (20) were arrested by the Israeli army, who has taken them to an unknown location.

Halutz slams officer for letting settlers return to Hebron market
Israel Defense Forces chief Lieut. Gen. Dan Halutz reprimanded last week a senior army officer for signing an agreement that allows Hebron (ILLEGAL) settlers to return in the future to live in the wholesale market in the city, evacuated two months ago.

Scared Palestinians try to flee Iraq
"Palestinians are traitors and partisans of Saddam Hussein," reads the flyer signed by the Brigades of Judgement Day, giving Palestinians 10 days to leave their western Baghdad neighborhood or face death. The pamphlet, distributed recently in Baghdad's violence-plagued Al-Hurriya neighborhood, was the latest ominous warning to the 34,000 Palestinians living in Iraq

Israeli tank shells vegetable-laden car, wounding two
Two Palestinian farmers were moderately injured Sunday evening when an Israeli tank shell hit their vegetable-laden car in the town of Beit Lahya in northern Gaza Strip, Palestinian witnesses and medics said.

Militants shell Israel to retaliate leader's death
The group said in a communiqué that its armed members launched one homemade rocket Shihab 3 at the southern costal Israeli town of Ashkelon to avenge the killing of their West Bank commander.

MENAFN Offers LIVE PSE Stocks Prices to Fastlink Subscribers - Jordan
Jordanians who invest in Palestine Securities Exchange now can access LIVE stock data on the move, thanks to the innovative new service from MENAFN. The new mobile-based service is available only to Fastlink, the first mobile operator in Jordan, subscribers in cooperation with Palestine Securities Exchange [PSE].

Israel's Labor party loses one Knesset seat to Arab list
Israeli Central Elections Committee announced on Sunday night that the center-left Laborparty lost one Knesset (Parliament) seat to the United Arab List in the final vote tally, bringing the number of Labor seats down to 19, local Yedioth Ahronoth daily reported on Monday.

Palestine urges world to press Israel over prisoner treatment
Bahar made the statements while participating in a demonstration staged by Palestinian prisoners' families in front of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) office in Gaza City in protest against alleged Israeli guards' attacks on Palestinian prisoners on Sunday.

Peretz nixes 'unnatural' coalition with right wing
Labor Party Chairman Amir Peretz on Monday denied rumors that he intends to form a coalition with right-wing parties to undermine the obvious candidate for premiership Acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.

Hamas says it has held talks with French and Indian officials
"There is an understanding by France of the necessity for the European Union to reconsider its position regarding Hamas and they have promised to make an effort with other European countries in this regard," said Hamas spokesman Abu Zuhri.

Quartet discusses Western funding for Hamas government
The United States and the EU have said they will halt millions of dollars in direct aid to the Palestinian Authority unless Hamas renounces violence, recognizes Israel and commits to the peace process.

Fischer to Hamas: Recognize the Jewish state
Fischer said "the whole world is trying to find a way to get to the issue of how can you help Palestinians with humanitarian aid without supporting the Hamas government. That's very difficult." He said non-governmental organizations and United Nations agencies could provide a partial solution.

Most terror arrestees Hamas members
Hamas has been exhibiting calm for a number of months now in all that is connected with terror attacks against Israel, but Ynet has learned that since the start of the year the organization leads in the number of arrests made in the territories. The al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades of Fatah 'doubled' their number of arrestees in the first quarter of 2006 compared to the first three months of 2005.

U.S. Christian pro-Israel lobby to launch in July
Televangelist John Hagee told Jewish community leaders over the weekend that the 40 million evangelical Christians in the United States support Israel and that he plans to utilize this power to help Israel by launching a Christian pro-Israel lobby.

Arab Bank general assembly authorises distribution of JD53.4m in cash dividends
Arab Bank's general assembly endorsed on Friday the bank's 2005 financial statements which showed a JD200.1 million record net profit after taxes and other allocations, an increase by JD51.8 million over 2004. The assembly also endorsed the board's decision to distribute 15 per cent in cash dividends or JD53.4 million; a 51.7 per cent increase over last year's.

Amir Taheri: Israel May Impose a Victor's Peace
The first is that a war that produces a victor and a vanquished bestows special responsibilities on the former. It is up to the victor to define the contours of victory and the new equilibrium that emerges after hostilities cease. The victor writes the peace treaty and the vanquished swallows it, even when the taste is bitter.

Labor officials: Peretz cheated us
The public criticism on Knesset Member Amir Peretz's attempt to set up a right-wing government is having its impact. Senior Labor Party officials were attempting Monday morning to explain how the support they gave Peretz in recent days was founded on a "lack of understanding of what was going on."

Israeli Bank which profited from Holocaust victims now allowing U.S. citizens to open accounts
Bank Hapoalim, Israel's largest bank, and one of five major Israeli banks found to have profited from the Holocaust by an Israeli government investigation last year, said on Sunday it is establishing an American depositary receipt program in the United States to allow U.S. citizens to open accounts in the Bank.

Iran flexes military muscle amid nuclear standoff
Iran test-fired what it described as a highly destructive torpedo in war games in the Gulf, warning the West not to "play with fire" at a time of mounting tensions over its nuclear program.

Cabinet to Declare Sharon 'Incapacitated'
Israel's Cabinet will declare Prime Minister Ariel Sharon "permanently incapacitated" at its meeting next week, the Israeli daily Yediot Ahronot reported Monday.

Nine U.S. Troops Killed in Weekend in Iraq
Four American troops were killed by hostile fire, while five others died and three were missing after their truck rolled over in a flash flood this weekend in separate incidents in western Iraq, the military said Monday.