La Conscience    5 dichiarazioni del FPLP del 7 e 8 luglio 2006

The Martyr Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades and the al-Aqsa
Martyrs Brigades announce their responsibility for
firing two missiles at the occupied city of Majdal.

The Zaydan Qarmut unit of the Martyr Ihab Abu
al-Qumsan Detachment of the Martyr Abu Ali Mustafa
Brigades, the military wing of the Popular Front for
the Liberation of Palestine; and the Martyr ‘Adil
Sharaf Unit of the Jihad al-‘Ammarin Battalion of the
al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades fired two rockets at the
occupied city of al-Majdal at precisely 7:55pm today,
Saturday, 8 July 2006.

This comes as a part of the natural responses to the
continuous crimes of the enemy against our people and
our Resistance, and as a pledge on the blood of our
martyrs that we will shake the earth under their feet,
make their lives hell, and their homes into ghost
towns. And we will continue our bombardments of the
occupied cities until the occupation is driven from
our lands.

Eternal Glory to our Virtuous Martyrs!
Speedy Recovery to our Courageous Wounded!
Freedom to our Heroic Prisoners!
Victory to the Resistance!

8 July 2006.

The Martyr Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades, the Brigades of
the Patriotic Resistance, and the al-Aqsa Martyrs
Brigades announce their responsibility for striking
the Sederot settlement with two rockets.

The Martyr Ra’id Muslih Unit of the Brigades of the
Patriotic Resistance, the detachment of the Martyr
Ayman Jawdah of the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, and the
Martyr Isma‘il Sa‘idani Unit of the Martyr Abu Ali
Mustafa Brigades bombarded the Sederot settlement that
squats on our territory occupied in the year 1948 with
two rockets at precisely 7:35am today, Saturday, 8
July 2006. After the strike, Apache helicopters flew
into the skies over the area, but all the fighters
withdrew safely.

This operation is a part of our continued responses to
the policy of constant assassinations and massacres
pursued by the Zionist enemy against our people in the
northern Ghazza area, and in response to the
continuous Zionist strikes against our Palestinian
area in the Ghazza district.

We in the joint operations room of the al-Aqsa Martyrs
Brigades, the Martyr Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades, and the
Patriotic Resistance Brigades announce that we are
fully prepared to defy the Zionist aggression. Their
invasion of our district will not be a pleasure trip.
We appeal to all to unite on the field of battle until
this fascist aggression is driven off. We salute our
defiant, steadfast people and we urge them to yet
greater firmness and steadfastness.

We pledge to keep our bullets aimed at the heads of
the Zionists!
Homeland or Death! Victory or martyrdom!
We will surely win!

8 July 2006.

The Martyr Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades announce their
responsibility for striking the Sederot settlement
with rockets, wounding three Zionists.

The Martyr Zaydan Qarmut unit of the Martyr Ihab Abu
Qumsan detachment of the Martyr Abu Ali Mustafa
Brigades, the military wing of the Popular Front for
the Liberation of Palestine, fired two rockets at the
occupation settlement of Sederot at precisely 1:15pm
midday today Friday, 7 July 2006. The enemy admitted
that three Zionists were wounded.

This comes as a part of the natural response to the
continuous enemy crimes committed against our people
and our resistance, and as a pledge on the blood of
our martyrs that we will shake the earth under their
feet and make their lives hell.

Eternal glory to our Virtuous Martyrs!
Speedy Recovery to our Courageous Wounded!
Freedom to our Heroic Prisoners!
Victory to the Resistance!
We will surely win!

7 July 2006.

The Brigades of the Patriotic Resistance, the Martyr
Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades, and the al-Aqsa Martyrs
Brigades announce their responsibility for striking
the Sederot settlement with rockets.

The Martyr Zaydan Qarmut unit of the Martyr Ihab Abu
Qumsan detachment of the Martyr Abu Ali Mustafa
Brigades, the military wing of the Popular Front for
the Liberation of Palestine; and the Martyr ‘Adil
Sharaf Unit of the Jihad al-‘Ammarin Battalion of the
al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades fired two rockets at the
occupation’s Sederot settlement at precisely 9pm this
Friday evening, 7 July 2006.

This comes as a part of the natural response to the
continuous enemy crimes committed against our people
and our resistance, and as a pledge on the blood of
our martyrs that we will shake the earth under their
feet and make their lives hell.

Eternal glory to our Virtuous Martyrs!
Speedy Recovery to our Courageous Wounded!
Freedom to our Heroic Prisoners!
Victory to the Resistance!
We will surely win!

7 July 2006.

The Martyr Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades, the Brigades of
the Patriotic Resistance, and the al-Aqsa Martyrs
Brigades announce their responsibility for striking
the Sederot settlement with two rockets.

In response to the Zionists’ massacres of our people
and the crazy fascist campaign by the Zionist
occupation army, the “defeated army,” against our
people in the north of the Ghazza district, and as
testimony to our unity in the face of the fascist
occupation, we in the Martyr Ra’id Muslih Unit of the
Brigades of the Patriotic Resistance, the detachment
of the Martyr Ayman Jawdah of the al-Aqsa Martyrs
Brigades, and the Martyr Isma‘il Sa‘idani Unit of the
Martyr Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades declare that we:

1. bombarded the Nahal ‘Awz area with two advanced
rockets at precisely 3:20pm today, Friday and that the
rockets struck their targets accurately. The roar of
an explosion inside the target area was heard and our
heroes withdrew safely.

2. bombarded the Zionist Kisufim position with two
advanced rockets at precisely 3:55pm. The rockets
landed inside the position and the roar of explosions
inside could be heard. Apache helicopters opened
intensive fire on the area, but our heroes were able
to withdraw safely after completing their operation on
this Friday, 7 July 2006.

This operation is a part of our continued responses to
the policy of constant assassinations and massacres
pursued by the Zionist enemy against the militant sons
of our people, and in response to the continuous
Zionist aggression against our steadfast Ghazza

We in the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, the Martyr Abu Ali
Mustafa Brigades, and the Patriotic Resistance
Brigades announce that we will defy the fascist
Zionists. We appeal to all the military wings to
unite their efforts and direct their strikes at the
Zionist enemy.

We pledge to keep our bullets aimed at the heads of
the Zionists!
Homeland or Death! Victory or martyrdom!
We will surely win!

7 July 2006